Frequently Asked Questions

Who is VendIT
Under Vending Services, we have developed a modular switching platform that allows merchants and consumers to easily perform online transactions against different service providers. Service providers include, but are not limited to, banks (for EFT), municipalities and utilities (for prepaid electricity and bill payment) and mobile or fixed line airtime providers (for prepaid airtime.)
What is the Differance between P.D.S.L, VendIT and K.P.L.C
VendiIT is a brand of P.D.S.L that handles K.P.L.C prepaid and post paid services.
what is your business/paybill number
For prepaid and post transactions, use 501200 as pay bill number
How do i buy tokens through your paybill number
The link on the right shows deyatiled steps Click Here
What is my token charges/meter tariff what is your business/paybill number
How do i check my KPLC post-paid bill I want to start selling tokens
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